
Day 22: Steampunk and Sleeptalking

Recently, I've been really interested in the genre Steampunk. For those of you who don't know what the amazingness of Steampunk is, I will explain. Steampunk is a science-fiction writing style. The stories usually take place in mid 19th Century England, during a time when everything was steam-powered. The twist is this: Steampunk is based around the idea that the technology boom during this time went much further then it actually did, and the invention of many different flying machines, mass-producing of steam-powered cars, sometimes even the computer. Movies like 'Steamboy' and 'Wild Wild West' could be considered Steampunk. It's something that I've recently come across, and was wondering if anybody had any suggestions for me, that's why I mentioned it.

On the subject of sleeptalking, before I started blogging, I was lying in bed (and then I remembered I had to post) thinking about if I was going to hear my brother sleeptalk tonight. He does this pretty often, and he always says some really funny stuff. I'm going to start writing it down as much as possible so I can actually remember it. Then when I came back out to the living room and went on YouTube to listen to music while blogging, I saw a video of a guy sleeptalking that got on the news in the UK, it can be found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mAAOaoswXw <-- there.

I'm pretty sure that's all I have to say, thanks to everybody who made a suggestion, I'll be using them all.



  1. The Golden Compass is supposed to be a good book series and it has something of the nature. plus it has polar bears with armor. so, im definitely on the lookout for it. i think you should be too.

  2. I'm a notorious sleeptalker in my family. Kenny just laughs, and my FBI dad thought our house had been broken into and that I was talking to the intruders once when I was younger. Glad no one's got any of that on tape.
