
Day 19: What Would You Grab?

I saw the movie 'Leap Year' recently (yes, I regret it, but it was a date, so back off and read), and one of the things it brought up was that in the last 30-40 years humanity has become so attached to really stupid things that we have all forgotten what's really important.

If your house was on fire and you had 60 seconds to grab one thing, what would it be?

I've been thinking about that for the past day or so, and I have yet to come up with something. Maybe I'm completely content with my life? Probably not, but I'm not ruling it out yet. So far, the only thing I've really thought of is a postcard that I keep in my top drawer (along with a whole bunch of other stuff that I don't want to lose while in the middle of a move).

So, I ask this of you, blog reading minions of mine. What would you grab? You don't have to answer this right away, but I'm curious to see some other opinions, because it may be that we have common interests, and you are thinking of something I'm not.

I've been listening to a pretty wide variety of music lately, which I thought was worth mentioning. I recently re-discovered Radiohead, and I re-discovered how much I love that band, but lately the only thing that can completely satisfy my inner eardrums is the sound of Pink Floyd, and I'm thinking that's related to yesterdays post.

Bedtime for me now, kiddies. I think tomorrow I'm going to write a short story. We'll see what happens. Peace in the middle east.


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