
Day 20: Trying Your Luck

Normally, I don't believe at all in luck. I'm a total fatalist. Every little thing that happens in your life, well, it happens for a reason, and you have no ability to change it. However, I think the decisions you make are what pre-determines this fate, so I want everybody to do something tomorrow. I want everybody to try your luck, do something totally different than you normally do it, whether it's just your morning routine or what you do when you get home. Do something different, and try and see if you can spot the possibly different outcome. I myself will be doing this as well, but I don't want to say what I'm doing quite yet, because there are people that read this that might change my fate for me.

Anyways, moving on. Tomorrow is Hugging Day, so you can all imagine what I'm bringing to school. Hopefully it won't be raining too badly.

I really don't have much to say lately, nothing terrible interesting is going on. I realized that I have complete freedom on this blog, I mean, I can say whatever the fuck I want. So, in honor of me being self-enlightened...

"Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits fart turd and twat." -George Carlin

That is all.



  1. dude, you are an inspiration. im giving this blogging thing a try,
    this is Carlos BTW
    i haven't posted much interestingness yet, im still getting used to
    writing about stuff without having a "prompt" given to me by a teacher.
