
Day 2: A More Formal Introduction

I feel like an extremely cocky asshole. So, I'm going to apologize. I am sorry, Blogger, for seeming like a douche on the first day of this insane mission of mine. My post yesterday was very rushed, and I didn't have a whole lot of time to introduce myself, I moreso introduced my idea.

Hi, blog-readers, my name is Bobby. I am fifteen years old, and I live in Salinas, CA. Smaller then a small town, our 'claim to fame' is John Steinbeck. He wrote about Salinas, and the entire Central Coast of California. Salinas borders Monterey, which has (I believe) the second largest aquarium in the world, and thus is a pretty common spot for Marine Biology stuff to go down.
I am a sophomore at York School in Monterey, a college prep school, although I probably won't be going there next year (do better in school then I'm doing, kiddies). I like to do a lot of things, recently, I've re-discovered acting as a fairly large part of my life, and I've been trying to bring acting more into my life, but haven't had any success yet. Keeping my chin up, though, it's gotta turn around some time. Music is another large part of my life, I like everything from the Gorillaz to The Strokes. I haven't gotten around to it yet, but I'm going to start playing it fairly soon as well. I have a beginner 7-piece cherry red Pearl drum kit, and if I can get a 3.5 GPA this semester a family friend is going to get me a Fender Stratocaster and a 60 watt amp, which is pretty fucking awesome.

I don't think I really have anything else to say for now, any questions you non-existent readers have will be answered throughout the year, or you could ask them in the comments and I will be happy to answer them. Logging for now, guys and gals. Sleep well.


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