
Day 16: Hawaii Aloha

The title is not at all related to the post, it's just the song I'm currently listening to.

Today I went to Mos Landing with a good friend of mine and my dad, to the Army Surplus store. Since the last time I was there, six or seven years, they have really gotten their acts together. I got quite a bit of Airsoft gear, a battery and charger for my automatic gun, black BDU pants (which are insanely fucking comfortable!), an extra magazine for my automatic gun and gloves with really hard backs to them, to protect my hands even further. I now have a complete loadout (equipment that fits together) for Airsoft, I look like a Private Military Contractor, which is what I was going for.

We also did Free Hugs together, but I'm too tired to tell that story tonight. I pinky swear that story will be told in tomorrow's more adequate post.


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