
Day 1: The Mission

Today is the first day in the year 2010. A fresh start, some may say, a good time to set a goal for yourself for the next 364 days. Thus, I am blogging. My New Years resolution is to blog every day in the year 2010, about what, I haven't a clue. It's going to be the Seinfeld of blogs (a blog, about nothing), and I can't wait to see where it takes me. The reason behind this probably impossible mission? Over the course of the last 2 months my mother has been pressuring me to write. Just to write every day, because she thinks I'm a great writer. Now, I don't know about the "great writer" part of what she's been saying, but I do agree that I should be writing every day. It keeps me on my toes mentally, and will only further my abilities as a writer. This can really only benefit me as a human being, as I have recently realized, so I'm going for it. Write every day for 365 days in a row. Right about now you may be asking yourself 'Yeah, OK, that's an alright goal, but why make it public?'. Perfectly logical question to ask, and my answer is simple. I want Feedback. I'll be posting loads of different things, from reviews to short stories, and I want Feedback, opinions, writing technique suggestions. Everything. Anything you can offer up to make me a better writer, I want to hear it. Well, my godbrothers whom I have not seen in about 5 months and am very close to are here now, so I'm going to log for the night. Have a good one everybody. Happy New Year.


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