
Day 33: LOST

As some of you may know, I'm a pretty avid follower of the show 'LOST' on ABC. I think it has a very compelling story and is something I've enjoyed watching since the 1st Season. As some of you may also know, the last season premiere was on tonight. One word can describe it fairly simply. Epic. So many questions answered, and so many more brought up. It's an amazing stroke of TV genius, and I'm going to be sad to see it go. However, I think all the fans will enjoy it as it lasts, and we all can't wait to see what happens next, that is for sure. So, another short post tonight, but I leave you with a question I'd like to see all the fellow LOST geeks who read this crap answer.

What did you think?

PS - Another long, heartfelt, meaningful post tomorrow, I get out of school at 1PM, more on that tomorrow.



  1. The word "tomorrow" its redundant in that last sentence. :)

    And.... OMG!!?!? LOST?!?!?!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!!
    Yeah, I've never watched a single episode of it. :P

  2. omg lostttttt - i didn't get to see the premiere last night b/c i was working on the gawain essay instead ;p
    haven't watched the show since the end of season 3, i miss it. apparently they announced that the finale'll be on may 23rd - my birthday! i'm so excited, but definitely need to catch up.
