
Day 36: Quick Update

Tonight's blog is going to be pretty quick, like all of my latest ones have been. Not a whole lot has been going on in my life lately, pretty normal school, homework, video games routine, nothing terribly exciting. Thought, last night was pretty fun. The first friday of every month there is an Art Walk in Oldtown Salinas, so I went with two friends and we walked around downtown, went to the Steinbeck center (SO EXCITING), and had really good Chinese food. T'was a good night, no doubt. Then I came home and played Call of Duty until I realized it was really late and I needed to blog. So here I am, blogging. Not much else to say other then that, though. Hope you all are doing well, I'm out for the night.

EDIT: For some reason this didn't post last night, and was just saved under my 'Edit Posts' option. Stupid Blogger.


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