
Day 31: Crazy Taxi

This weekend was spent in San Francisco in celebration of my mom's birthday, we all had a great time and I'm very glad I decided to go. Tonight, you are getting one of the better stories from the trip.

So, on Saturday afternoon, we were leaving the SF Westfield to go back to the hotel to get our stuff/car and head home, and we had all been on our feet all day and didn't feel like making the long walk. My dad hailed a cab, and we all hopped in. Now, I've been in enough cabs to know that cab drivers aren't always the safest human beings on the planet, but this was insane. He nearly had us killed at least three times by the end of the ride, and I was literally shaking from fear. One of the bigger things was how he would slam on the gas pedal and slam on the brake pedal, as if there were no in between in terms of speed, it was either speeding up or slowing down in this guys opinion. So, to someone who isn't used to that kind of decision, it's like saying 'Would you rather shit your pants on this car ride or keep them clean?' The scariest thing that happened, in my opinion, was this. He had been holding on the gas pedal for about half the block before he realized that the light was red and wasn't changing any time soon, so he started to push down on the brake. We got closer and closer and closer to the car that was stopped ahead of us, and when we were less then a foot away from it and still had some momentum, the driver pulls the steering wheel to the right and we jerk into the right lane with no time to spare. After that, I just thought to myself 'This guy would be really fucking good at Crazy Taxi' (my favorite driving arcade game of all time). Then I came to the conclusion that most cab drivers might actually have a leg up on the normal person when playing that game. I don't know, I just think it's funny to see how somebody's career can impact how well they do other things in life, like an architect. An architect could probably build some insane stuff with LEGOS. Maybe I'm crazy and neither of those things would ever relate to each other at all, maybe I'm not, I don't know.

Anyways, I'm off for the night. School is going to suck tomorrow, then again, it always does.


1 comment:

  1. The last time I rode in a taxi was when I went to New York for a family reunion. We were walking in my mom's neighborhood as a child and were told to get out of that part of town. So we got in a taxi and managed to fit ten people in the back seat while my uncle road shot gun.
