
Day 27: Don't be a coconut, God is trying to talk to you

I'm convinced my math teacher is Yoda, and I'm going present my argument as to why I think such a ridonkulous thing in today's post.

1. She's small and wise. She is the head of the Math/Science Department at one of the best schools on the West Coast, and she's no taller then 5'2''.

2. She talks about the Force and the Dark Side. Whenever somebody is able to understand a new concept quickly in class, or if somebody is able to solve an unusually hard problem without any faults she will literally say 'Oh, the Force is strong in this one.' As for her mentioning the Dark Side, she tells us not to be tempted by it. Whenever there's a trick in a problem that is there to make us mess up (like a lot of the SAT questions) she tells us not to be tempted by the Dark Side, and to take our time with the problem.

3. There is an extremely smart kid in our class, who she constantly is presenting new challenges to. I'm also convinced this classmate of mine is Luke Skywalker.

There you have it, three fairly compelling points.

I has a qwesshun.

Is it weird that I actually kind of enjoy listening to Lady Gage? I mean, normally I hate this kind of shit, but she is actually really not that bad.

Also, the title of this blog has absolutely nothing to do with anything at all. I was listening to the song Ask Me Anything by The Strokes, and that is one of the lines, so I thought 'What the fuck? It's my blog, and I think it's a cool title'.

Anyways, I think I'm off to watch some Modern Warfare 2 gameplay on YouTube. Peace in the middle east, ya'll.



  1. It's okay. I like that hermaphrodite too. I often get paparazzi stuck in my head along with Christopher Walken's P-P-P-Poker face lol

  2. You should listen to the acoustic guitar version...
