
Same Sherriff, Different Town

I watched a video yesterday in which one of my favorite YouTube personalities, SeaNanners, made a video giving a tour of his quaint little bachelor pad of an apartment. He generally only uploads videos related to video games, specifically Call of Duty, so this was kind of cool to see. While watching this, I realized something. I'm a disorganized wreck, and I think that if I were more organized, my life would be made better. I'm not exactly sure how or why my brain coincides blogging with being more organized, but here I am.

I've also decided to start using Twitter more, and possibly (I'm getting shit for this, no doubt about it) making a tumblr. All of which are tools that could prove useful if I want to actually do something with my writing.

Back to what SeaNanners' video did to me. It also made me really want to get the hell out of living in this basement apartment. I cannot fucking wait to have my own room again, especially a room which is as big as my current living room. I already have so many plans, such as putting the handmade Guatemalan hammock in my windowsill area. I can't wait to have the ability to listen to music at a moderate volume without somebody having yell at me because they can't hear the TV.

Some of you may has also noticed that I've changed my URL and blog title, and even fewer of you may notice that I've also changed my Twitter display name and URL. This is because I feel like Madonna, with the need to re-invent myself. I am leaving all the old posts up, though, so new people can go back and see what this is all about.

That's it for now, I don't have much else to say.


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