
Same Sherriff, Different Town

I watched a video yesterday in which one of my favorite YouTube personalities, SeaNanners, made a video giving a tour of his quaint little bachelor pad of an apartment. He generally only uploads videos related to video games, specifically Call of Duty, so this was kind of cool to see. While watching this, I realized something. I'm a disorganized wreck, and I think that if I were more organized, my life would be made better. I'm not exactly sure how or why my brain coincides blogging with being more organized, but here I am.

I've also decided to start using Twitter more, and possibly (I'm getting shit for this, no doubt about it) making a tumblr. All of which are tools that could prove useful if I want to actually do something with my writing.

Back to what SeaNanners' video did to me. It also made me really want to get the hell out of living in this basement apartment. I cannot fucking wait to have my own room again, especially a room which is as big as my current living room. I already have so many plans, such as putting the handmade Guatemalan hammock in my windowsill area. I can't wait to have the ability to listen to music at a moderate volume without somebody having yell at me because they can't hear the TV.

Some of you may has also noticed that I've changed my URL and blog title, and even fewer of you may notice that I've also changed my Twitter display name and URL. This is because I feel like Madonna, with the need to re-invent myself. I am leaving all the old posts up, though, so new people can go back and see what this is all about.

That's it for now, I don't have much else to say.



Post 45: Free Periods

Free periods are something that sound like a blessing, and a lot of the time, they are. But what happens when you have nine free periods on a 7-day rotating schedule? You get bored as hell, that's what happens.

I apologize for not posting in a really long time, it's just been out of laziness. I promise to post a lot more often from now on.

Recently there have been a few really good albums released, between Julian Casablancas' "Phrazes for the Young" and Gorillaz finally releasing "Plastic Beach", there has been a lot to listen to. Yet, I find myself listening to Counting Crows, and I have no idea why.

I've also discovered that it's really hard to write anything while I have 4 people reading over my shoulder, and I don't why that is, either, because if they wanted to they could just go read it when I'm done. Maybe I don't want anybody to see the process, to discover the man behind the curtain.

Writer's block sucks. That is all.



Post 44: Cybernations

Cybernations is an online text-based nation simulation game, in which people create their own countries and build them up with the use of lots of different in-game methods. Their are alliances, in which groups small, medium and large come together in order to benefit from Trade Circles, protection and meeting new people. Or at least, that's what the creators want you to think.

What it really is is this: A bunch of morons who do what they're told by their control-freak, elitest leaders who think they know what is best for everybody, and of course, every single leader has a different view of what is best. So, really, it could be compared to our world governments current state. I could go on for hours about how much I hate the people that play this game, but that would be kind of hypocritical, considering I recently closed my latest-formed account.

I had created the account just around the new year and had been talking to people on my alliances forum, on the game forum, and on other alliances forum when I realized something: people are stupid. I've had this view for a long time, but my realization was more in the context of 'people that play this game are stupid, and I need to quit'. The thing about Cybernations is that the meta-game (the politics and huge 300 nation wars) are much more important to the people who play then the actual physical game. Once you reach the point that most of the people who have been playing for around 8 months to a year have, you get bored, and you just start shit for the sake of starting shit. Now, don't get me wrong, I love to do this, but when you're a lowly peon and you're ruled by oppressive assholes who tell you they want to help, but really only help you to a certain point before they stop speaking to you altogether (the point in which you are convinced that they are awesome and you will do everything they say).

Sometimes I just really want to hit people in the head. Hard. That's it for tonight, folks, I've been tangential (VOCAB WORD, BEEYOTCH) enough. Peace out, homeskillets.


Post 43: An Apology

I am aware that I have not posted in a long time (five days) and this is purely out of laziness. Thus, I have constructed a new way of blogging. I'm not going to be posting every day, some days a blog post is just simply out of the question with my schedule, however, by the end of the year, I want to have 365 posts total. I think this is a much more reasonable way to approach intensive blogging, and I am sure most if not all of you will as well. So I plan to do two more posts tonight, both of them kind of half-assed. Again, really sorry to everybody who believed in me so much, but my previous way of going about this project was just insane. Thank you for all the support, everybody, I really don't deserve the praise I've been receiving.



Day 43: Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief

Tonight, I went out with my family to see the first Percy Jackson film. I've never read any of the books, and had no idea what I was walking into. My younger brother, on the other hand, is a die hard fan of the series and was thus our reason for going to see the movie. I was pretty blown away, I really liked it. Though, I feel that it will be a lot like the Harry Potter series in that the first movie(s) aren't going to be able to top the second half in the least. Much to my surprise, my brother also really like the way the movie turned out. Though, when we were walking out of the theater and the entire car ride home he explained all the flaws/differences from the movie to the book. He still thought it was a great movie, anyways.


Short Story tomorrow might get cancelled tomorrow, and I will instead write about the possible Free Hugging I will be doing. We'll see what happens.


Day 42: Cyclists

On Wednesday night my dad's boss and six of his friends came to our house for dinner. Why? They are all cyclists, and they were taking a trip from Walnut Creek through Monterey with their final destination in Malibu, CA. They were all very nice and they all seemed to be pretty cool guys. My father made 8lbs of meatballs and a vat of sauce, and we had some of the best spaghetti ever created. Dessert was two cheesecakes, a chocolate and a vanilla/lemon. Now, you'd expect that it couldn't get much better then that, but oh, you are so wrong. I slept so well that night it was ridic, and was completely energized for the last day of school in the week. Man, did that feel good.


PS - This wasn't late, stupid Blogger didn't post it again.



Day 41: A View Of What's Ahead

Since it's really late and I don't want to do an actual post, I'm giving to show you all what's to come.

Thursday: A blog about what happened tonight
Friday: Percy Jackson Review
Saturday: Short Story
Sunday: Blog about my epic Valentines Day
Monday: Questionaire (sp?)/Maybe I'll tell you all a story about my favorite documentary of all time.

In case I decide to go with the Questionaire, ask me questions either in the comments in the blogs to come, send me a message on Facebook, or shoot me an e-mail. All questions will be answered. Bring it on, the more, the better.

I love you all.
